Learn to be More "Spontaneous" not to Be "Desperate"~
The most beautiful thing you can experience is the mysterious," as said by Albert Einstein. Now while I'm not Albert Einstein's biggest fan, the quote above is something that both he and I agree on.
The mysterious is beautiful. The unknown, unplanned, and spontaneous are beautiful. It is beautiful in that you can not control every detail of what will happen. You must simply go along with it. This produces a childlike wonder within us that is extraordinary.
Have you ever noticed how children are willing to try anything at a moments notice? The child within you wants to be spontaneous and adventurous. Sadly, spontaneity is one of the easiest things to kill within ourselves.
Daily routine takes over spontaneity. It begins to make a quiet exit, day by day without any notice. Before you know it you are rejecting anything that is unfamiliar, out of the ordinary, and mysterious.
Perhaps you are constantly reminding yourself to be careful or always trying to be prepared. There is nothing wrong with a little preparation, but if you are always planning out everything in your life, and obsessed with orderliness you have forgotten how to be spontaneous.
As Albert Einstein said, "The most beautiful thing you can experience is the mysterious" So go ahead be spontaneous.
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Adelaide Kwaning is a goal coach and ghost writer On her website, you'll find great articles to save you time and money. Visit today and find out how she's helping so many people live happier, healthier, richer lives. |
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